Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Not a really good Monday to start a week

Just like the title.. Today was a bad day since the norning...
Last night i slept at 2am and the result is i woke up late.. Not actually late, but late from what i planned. I woke up as usual, at 6.30. So it happened that i arrived on shelter at 7.30. And i don't know what is wrong with transjakarta today. Usually, when i arrived at 7.30 at least i got express bus at 7.45. But, today until 8.05 there's no any express bus. So i decide to transit because the bus is quite empty. And like that's not enough, there's high traffic in senen. I arrived in pecenongan shelter at 8.45 and waiting for kalideres bus, but there's no bus.. all rute are only to harmoni.. until 9.45 finally i've got a bus. But because i think it's really late for me and i'm really lazy to take a kopaja so i skipped work again.. :(

Then to waste time, i went to mkg and meet joan. Had a quality talk about this and that then go home and had a little sleep (how i miss sleeping in afternoon). Actually wanna go to gym and join rpm class, but my bro's friend come late so i lazy to go alone. Then, i skipped gym again. Well, i think i need rest too..

Oh yeah, i already told my team leader that i want to resign. I don't know what the decision, but the next day, i'm called by my big boss and he asked me to reconsider and give me some offer. But i think i really can't stay anymore because it's not my passion, why i have to waste my time here, right? And i got the news that my cv had been forwarded to lotte's hrd and manager. Hope there will be interview call soon..

At saturday, i had a quality time with jeje too. Counseling session hehehe.. Then midnight sale with svb and jeje too. Had a blast day :D

Things i have to do now is to keep holding in with my projects until it's done. Just a little more, be brave and strong please.. *talktomyself*

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Mission Failed

I'm failed to talk with my team leader about my resignation..  today she was quit busy and when i got to talk with her,there's a problem with my projects so i can't tell my resignation yet. Must do it tomorrow or it will be too late.. Wish me luck..

Today, had a blast combat with anggie, beben join also. Try my new shoes but i think i need thicker socks so the shoes will fit well in my legs..

Still nervous about tomorrow, hope the day goes well..

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Job and Your Life

Finally I applied to other company, but still haven't called for interview yet..
And tomorrow i decided to talk with my team leader about my resignation. Well, i didn't tell my family about this. Because i know they won't let me quit before i got another job.. Still, i wish this is a right thing..

Actually, i feel a little better because there's no hectic problem again. But i think i really can't continue this kind of job anymore. Just read one person status "Carilah pekerjaan yang membuatmu bahagia dan senang, kalau tidak bahagia buat apa dipertahankan? Cari yang lebih baik jangan takut melangkah kawan. Hajaarrrr!!!"
Well, i think i know what to do..

Let's pray so i can talk with my team leader well and got a call for interview. Amen!

Oh yeah, hedon day today. I finally bought reebok shoes, and the amount is.... i better not tell you! This is the most expensive shoes i bought.. *garukdompet*

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

I can't handle this anymore!!!!

Yeah,i'm talking about my job now.. I think i really had enough..
At first i think i'm gonna spent more long time here. But now, i think i need to quit.

I'm kind of desperate right now, like everything that i have done always wrong. There's always a problem there.. So, maybe the interview calls and my ex coworker offer were some signs for me to resign from here..

Today, really had a hard day in the office.. walk here and there, here and there, had a problem with trucking. Blamed by malaysian carpenter and my projects tonight had a problem too.. It's really hard for me.. I should have take it as a challenge, but sorry i surrender.. *garuktanah*

I think i will still gonna quit even haven't found a new job yet.. i really need a rest time... I can't handle to wake up so early, got my salary cut because i'm late, got home so late, and had nobody to talk in the office.. and even when i relaxing my stress with combat, after that there's still office matter at my phone. Sigh.. i need another combat session like really.... really...

Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Hectic Week and The Most Powerful Combat Class

Thank God it's Sunday again.. Finally the last week is passed.
Well, i think I'm gonna have another hectic days.. Let's just hope for the best..

The happiness is as simple as i joined Thursday combat class with beben.. It's not as powerful as before because maybe anggie was tired. But it's okay since i had fun..

Too bad, Saturday i was not in the mood for excercising. Don't know why.. And nicky is back! Finally after 3 weeks not see him.. But i feel the class not as powerful as usual. Well, maybe i tried too many classes and there's more harsh one.. But, yesterday was nicky's last class in moi.. since i rarely joined his class, that's okay for me..

But today, It's also the last time my favourite instructor teach combat here.. Huaaaa.. I really gonna miss him so much. He is my number one favourite instructor.  I even never want to skip his class because it's so powerful and fun. But knowing this is his last class made me really sad. Yah sudahlah, klo jodoh pasti bisa kedapetan diajar ama dia lg. :)

Just now, i bumped into him.. Well, he knows me.. He called me when i'm going into foodpark. Wow, i'm kind of surprised.. Then, he asked me,"udah makan? Sendirian?". Ternyata dia makan bareng anak" combat lain yang memang udah akrab sama dia. And here comes my introvert side. Bukannya ikutan gabung,tapi malah memilih menghindar dan ga makan di foodpark. *garukmarmermoi*
Huaaa, omm. Bener" bakal kangen sama gaya lebai n geolan pantat pas pendinginan itu deh, geolan pas nungging abis push up, dangdutan pas muaythai, teriakan nyuruh push up sambil ktawa jahat klo ada yg salah dan aneka pose aneh lainnya. And today,i think that was the most powerful combat class i ever joined. Thank you, Om!!!

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Great Night

Well,my post before was about my hectic jobs.. But i've got some refreshment tonight.. Just back from gym and my hair still wet,so before sleep while waiting my hair to dry, let's post some happiness today..

I totally forgot about my hectic jobs for a while. Yeah, i finally tried another combat class. And it was fun!! Conditioning nya hebat loh, perut saya keram sekarang.. -.-"

Happy too because i had an eye contact with the instructor when doing upper cut. And he said "nice!". Well, i always think there's something wrong with my uppercut.. And when the class over,he helds my hand tight and said "good job!!" dengan mata berbinar-binar.. (okay, he is 'ngondek' jadi gw malah pengen ketawa liatnya). Dalam hati, "Yaiyalah,gw tiap kamis dicipratin keringet ama ditriakin mulu ama laki lu.. menurut ngana??" ;p
I take that as a good support so i can do better next time :)

It's wonderful how simple class like body combat can made my day. After a very hectic mind and traffic jam before, really feel so fresh!! Oh yeah, lost 0,5kg again and found a new friend too at combat class. Ayo cici kita combat bareng lagi ya next time ;p

Now, i'm feeling nervous again about my work. Gosh, hope this gonna end soon. Cepatlah lebaraannnn....

Hectic.... Hectic...

Omo... i really want lebaran comes early...
Been so stressed because of projects that must be done before lebaran.. While the other team had no projects ongoing until lebaran.. *miris*

Well,just hope everything is okay and done perfectly...

So let's see what happened last week..
1. Finally i upgraded my gym membership.. Yeay, now i can come in anytime i want.. So,gonna try monday's combat last week but too bad it's covered. Well, let's try tonight..

2. Because of boring combat,then i decided to joined my old friends at tea garden. And we share and talked quite a lot. Oh yeah, met my high school's friends' friend too, rosaline. She is my old friend's girlfriend ;D

3. Skipped work at Thursday,went to Poins Square to find sport shoes but there's no my size :(. Such a bad day, at night when i prepared for gym it rained. Heavy rain!! Huaaas... but i still went to combat because i need to see my friend too..

4. Did a combat again at Saturday with Beben, yeay, got a new gym partner :)

5. Went to church at Sunday then doing combat. I had a perfect Sunday.. :D

Still worry about my projects,but i hope it goes well. I know God will help me.. o:)

Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

3-4 July 2013

July 3rd,nothing secial but suddenly got a lot of job. Well,all my projects are starting and must end before lebaran and 2 of them are out of town.. *jeduk"in kpala*

July 4th, i decided to make it my last lazy day before concentrate to handle my projects.. i went to KK to match the sample but it's still not match >.< then straight home from there. Well, not home maybe but to gym :D

Yesterday, i went with my coworkers who sat next to me.. Well, i can say that he is a gentleman. When paid for vehicle fuel, because he didnt have cash and they not accept debit so i have to pay for it. Well, it's okay since it'll reimbursed. But, he said sorry. Then, he actually want to go to kuningan city. But, he drops me to kasablanka first even the rute is passing kuningan city first. So,he must turn back again to kuncit, and he has a meeting.. When want to go back to office, he also asked me if i want him to wait or not. But, from the first i want to straight home so can gym earlier so i said no hehe. Well, thankyou koko.. :p

Then,i got dissapointed because the combat class is covered :( padahal udah mau abis"an ama anggie soalnya bakal byk bolos gym.. Tapi ternyata sama bersemangatnya dengan anggie orang ini. Had a really fun combat.. And shocking news, he is younger than me and now still in college. Same college with me but he took medical study.. a doctor soon to be :)

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

July 2nd 2013 - Little Party

At Tuesday, we had a lunch party at the office.. 
They ordered 10 box of pizza for lunch. And i ate 5 slice *facepalm*
They also bought a cake for us and i ate 2 slice *deep facepalm*
And as i guess, i gained my weight again. 1,5kg lost were just a memory.. But, i dont regret it. As long we can eat and happy. Then, nothing to lose ;p

Wish you all had a nice day too :)

Senin, 01 Juli 2013

Last Week of June

Wow, today already July.. Time goes really fast..

Then,let's mention some little things in previous week..
1. Had a hard saturday.. Pas pulang maceeeetttt tiada tandingan.. Alhasil ga ikut yoga class dan ga puas combatnya karena di cover dan instrukturnya lemes..

2. Sunday, balas dendam combat pagi sama om Danny. Wow! Slalu basah kuyup klo hari minggu pagi ini. Tapi, knapa hrs combat 56 lagi. Ni area pantat ke bawah langsung sakit.. Then, hang out with Joan and Velin..

3. Sad news, my aunt got opnamed because of diabetes. And my grandma broke her bones :( Hope they get healthy really soon..

4. Finally finished Christian Simamora's new novel, AYCE.

5. This morning woke up earlier than usual. Tomorrow must be better because today I'm still late..

6. Feels like can go home early on Thursday. Yeay! Hope that really happen ;)

7. Tomorrow office will have lunch party. They will give us pizza for lunch.. well, just forget about diet for a while..

8. Oh yeah, it's been a month since i started fitness. And the result i've got are i feel more fresh,healthy, and lost 1,5kg without struggle to diet so much. That's a good thing ;)