Senin, 29 April 2013

Monday,29 April 2013


It's already late night for me actually,but i've just go home not long ago..
Well,you can called today is my lucky day.. even there's some problem with my job,at least today i still had fun..

After work,i went to GI. My cousin asked me to eat with his family.. we ate at grand duck king. Yummy.. okay,i think i ate too much.. but,when it will happen again,rite? A good thing that my bus was an express to bunsen. And i just knew it when we're at harmoni. Lucky me,i dont have to queue for next bus :D

Now,really sleepy hoaamm. Good night all..

Minggu, 28 April 2013

Sunday,28 April 2013

Already Sunday again hiks.. why weekend so fast..

Well,at least i had fun.. yesterday,finally i did taebo. Yeay.. setelah seminggu berencana tp ga pernah kesampean hehehe..

And i was too lazy to go out, but today i decided to go out to buy shoe and phone book. Yeah,i'm a little desperate with my black. So to make it easy to find my colleague or supplier's number,i will go back to conventional style.. using an written phone book hehe..

And today i've got two pairs new shoes and a dress too. It's sale and i think that looks good on me. So i bought it... thanks to tina who accompany me and give some advice when choosing..

Well,tomorrow is monday again. Let's start it with a good thought :)

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Thursday,25 April 2013

So busy today...
A lot of things to do in office until i confuse and dont know what to do first.. But,lets call it a day and continue office works tomorrow..

Happy things 3 days before are..
Yesterday i've came home earlier yeay! Because i was in a meeting at senci  and rhe driver was asked to go back right to the office. So,my team leader said to lazy to back to office. Lets just go home from there :D

Actually i already planned to do tae bo and start a diet. But my cousin came and take me to MOI. We eat at churreria. And last night i'm full of chocolate. :9
Bye bye exercise...

My black is getting worse. Now,i cant charge my black like usual. Like when the symptoms of broken are getting worse :(

Yeay,tomorrow already friday!! Really fast... Good night.

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Sunday,21 April 2013 - Homey Weekend

This whole weekend,i spent my quality time at home hehe.. Been watching new drama series again, what else can made me stay at home quietly other than that? Hihi..

But actually, I'm a little but not well. Got a flu and the office's AC mad it worst.. Beler seharian di hari sabtu. But thanks God,today i'm feeling better. :)

Bad things again,it happened that my lovely black had a problem again.. Padahal belum 6 bulan di service ampe sejutaan. Skarang black mulai menunjukkan symptoms kerusakan yg sama lg hiks.. tombol lock susah dipencet,dan ga bs denger suara telpon kcuali di speaker atau pake headset T.T Emang sih,uda kbanting 3x abis di service,tapi knapa scepat ini??

Sorry black,kali ini kayanya kamu ga bakal aku service lg :( but please tahan sampe akhir bulan ya.. Padahal aku msh sayang loh ama kamuu..

Well,yang penting i enjoyed my quality time at home this weekend. And tomorrow a routines back.. Sigh..
Nite all :D

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Tuesday,16th April 2013

Woahhh what a day!!!
Jadi tadi pagi rencananya demi menyelamatkan sample acrylic yg gw bawa,gw memutuskan ganti rute busway. Gw jd naik busway kor 9-10 transit di uki. Well,sampe uki sih enak bangett.. sepii,duduk pula. Tp dr uki ke grogol.. OMG! *facepalm*

Yah pada akhirnya acrylic ini harus tergencet" jg.. mana ktinggalan jemputan dan telat ngantor lg.. jd merasa sia" bangun dan brangkat lbh pagi.. tau gt,mending naik koridor biasa n transit di harmoni deh.. But still,thanks God acrylic ini selamat sentosa sampe kantor..

Today,in office. Dont know what to do.. padahal uda dikasih list kerjaan tp knp brasa ga ada kerjaan ya? Hmm..

Later hope the rest of today come out better :)

Senin, 15 April 2013

Monday,15th April 2013

Last Saturday,suddenly i got a lot of things to do.. Because my team leader go to Aussie for a work trip,I need to handle all the projects we had. And that's a lot until i dont know what to do... T.T

Today,i went to KK and KV.. Sempet nyasar karna sopir kantor gatau kemang dimana. Untung ada koko CP membantu.. Thanks koko.. :D

Dari KV,gw nyuruh sopir pulang aja langsung,karena dipikir bakal lama dan ga mungkin sempet balik ke kantor lg.. tp ternyata.. sampel barangnya ituh byk skali dan gede. Besok gimana bawanya inih.. *facepalm

I think i need to sleep early today.. besok hrs lebih pagi dr biasanya spy busway aman tentram.. klo kaya biasa mah ga jamin tuh barang selamat dah.. Dan bsk,msh byk skali yg hrs dikerjakan. Fiuuhhh...

Well,goodnite everyone :)

Tuesday,9th April 2013

I'm going to Medan... By Myself..

Well,i'm quite nervous because it's been a long time since the last time I ride an airplane. And this is by myself.. I'm all alone.. T.T

Luckily,i have an uncle who works there. But,he cant pick me up so he asked his driver to pick me and ride me to anywhere i want in Medan..

I go to Sun Plaza,too early.. The mall is opened at 10.00 but i already arrived at 9.20. And the store that i need to survey were open at 11.00.. Huaa.. my plan has been ruined. So then,i finished my survey at 13.15 after that i had my lunch at AW.. Yeah,i cant think what i need to eat,i'm already too hungry.. After had lunch,i asked the driver to take me to the bika ambon store.. He drove me to Jl. Majapahit.. We stopped by and bought 3pax. Then I asked him to go to Jl. S. Parman,because I wanna go to te museum..

We arrived at Rahmat International Wildlife Gallery.. The place was amazing! I'm not lying.. The owner,Pak Rahmat is a hunter. And the animals there is what he got from hunting all around the world.. The place is not big,but the animals there feels so real.. Too bad,i can't spent a lot of time there because i need to take my flight.. I sure have to go there again someday. MUST!!

So,there's my one day trip to Medan. Nothing special,but that was a great experience for me :)

1st & 2nd week of April

Hello again..
Sorry for not posting in 2 weeks..

So,these 2 weeks a lot of things happened..  Let's just point it out..

Got more job to do at work
Well,i almost a month here and i already handle 2 simple projecta done and 2 other projects ongoing.. I even have to went out of town for survey,because one my project located in Medan. I will share in other post..

Got to meet my bestfriend after almost a year
I remember the last i met her was when i still doing my final project. It's a long ago.. Now,we meet to celebrate her birthday.. For me,it's really heartwarming that even we haven't meet for so long, we still can talk and share without any awkwardness at all. Even,we have a lot of things to share.. just a day not enough... I should meet her again more often. T.T

To say the truth,i dont remember any other i want to share. Ugh,my bad.. i must try to write everyday... :(