Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Just a Random Thoughts in My Mind

I know that I'm not someone who can express my feelings so well. I really can't show that I'm happy,sad,stress,or sorry in my expression. Yah, jadi ga salah juga sih kalo pada bilang gw jutek.

I'm not the one who can start a conversation first too or who can make a conversation never ending. Especially with someone new.. So, it's okay if they know me as a quiet.

Dan yang paling penting adalah gw bukan seorang yang bisa ngomong secara langsung isi di pikiran gw ato apa yang gw rasakan. Dan gw akuin, gw pendengar yang baik. Cuma kadang gw berpikir, why can't i get it back. Kadang saat orang curhat dan gw dengerin dengan baik, i want to tell them what my worries too. Tapi kadang malah berujung i'm not being listened because they already stressed about their own problem. It's okay, I think that the only reason I'm being an introvert now. Even with my closest friends too, i dont have a lot to share.. :(

I know everyone had their own lives and problems too,and now we're too busy with our own things.. mungkin itu yang bikin jauh dari satu sama lain. With their own lives, they had new friends too.. And my really bad habit is thinking that i lost that precious friend because they had other one and more closer to other. As a denial, i will try to find other and made us more far from each other. But true, somehow i feel like i dont have anyone to share again.

I think now I'm used to do all my activities alone. Go to mall and shopping alone,lunch alone, go here and there,doing this and that alone because there's no one can accompany me. Well, let's just thought it's a step of maturity. No, actually I'm sick to it. I realize i become more introvert than i was before!!! Please help my social life.. *facepalm*

Sorry to all readers if you feel annoyed with this post.. And to my friends, please don't take it seriously. I'm on my PMS and gw rasa terlalu membesar-besarkan masalah aja. Ga ada maksud buat menyindir siapa" kok, just want to tell what on my thought recently aja. Daripada kependem melulu.. But, believe me, if I'm in a good state of mood i don't even bother my loneliness i wrote above. I'm just having a mood swing right now,and I don't know who to share.. :(

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