It's my sinlang's birthday!!! Happy Bithdayy!
Today, i went to gym again with Cindy.. Before, i accompanied her fimd a number for her new gadget. Then we ate shilin and sharetea.. (sia" dah gym nya). But we share our food and tea,just like the name "sharetea".
Then, at night I ate steak with my family. Well, i just found out that i already lost 1 kg from the last time i measured. I think i gained my weight again after this hahaha..
But,dont kmow i think everyone become so 'jutek' towards me. Maybe i'm just too sensitive today or they are in the bad mood. Let's forget it..
Tomorrow must get to work again,, oh really lazy.. T.T
dijjutekin gara2 ngegym dan jadi hati2 sama makanan? kalo iya, welcome to the club lah.