Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Sunday,31 Maret 2013 - A Week of Happiness

A week ago,my last posting...

Padahal uda mau nge post dr kpn tp slalu beujung ketiduran.. Okay,jd sbelym malem dan ketiduran i better post now..

My 2nd week at new office.. Had a great time,karena sudah mulai agak sibuj jadi ga bengong" ajah.. Mulai dapat proyek and thanks i've done it well walaupun ga sampe tuntas sih. At least,i help to coordinate a little..

Finally,went to church again. Kamis putih,langsung dr senayan abis ngukur proyek.. Woahh,telat tapi msh dapet tempat. Dan jumat agung juga walaupun penuh sesak tp mah bs duduk juga. Thanks God.. Dan gw slalu suka prasaan abis dr gereja. My feelings feels so light.. enteng bnget rasanya walaupun badan brasa capek banget..

Hang out with super family again.. happy.. :) and i just back from movies with SVB and other high school friends..

Akhirnya merasa ilmu gw saat di artha kepake banget.. One of my friend freelancing as a drafter and asked me abour wiring diagram which only once taught in college. Thanks for my background as a fit out,i understand that quite well :D

Dan skarang lg menunggu jam 7 buat keluar makan to celebrate my cousin birthday.. yeaayy..

My life this week went so well.. i hope yours better.. Oya,finally got my first salary in new office,it's more than i expected.. Thank You God :))

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Sunday,24 March 2013 - Quality Time

Hello,3 days not posting huh?

Today is quality time for myself.. spending today just with listening msic and reading new novel. I think that's better.. :D

My days before were exciting.. I went to the client office on thursday. Then got more busier at friday and saturday.. but i think i still dont know how the work is done,still need time to learn i think..

Tomorrow is monday again and is the start of last week in march,so fast..

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Wed,20 Maret 2013 - Thank You

Makin hari bangun makin siang. Gawat,bsk ga boleh lagi.. Jd hari ini rekor skali,klo ga naek jemputan pasti uda telat banget.. td aja uda takut ditinggal jemputan.

Meet another person in my team. And he ask me to do some work.. yeay,akhirnya. Klo ke site ikut ya,pak. :D

A lot pas banget hari ini. Pas banget gw uda msk busway,ujan deras. Dan pas banget gw turun busway, ujan reda. Thank you,God..

Then,hear a new song from se7en. He will go for military service soon.. and this last song before he go titled 'thank you'. I almost crying when i read the translation. Hiks.. Gonna miss you so much,oppa.. i will post this song on my other blog.

That's all for today. Hope you had a nice day too.. :)

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Tuesday,19 Maret 2013 - Hmmm

2nd day,lumayan lah at least uda ada kerjaan jd waktu ga berasa.. ga penting sih emang kerjaannya,tp drpd bengong. Hehe..

Td cobain anter jemput,lumayan juga menghemat ongkos ama pegel nyari angkotnya.. well,mungkin bakal ikut terus tiap pagi..

Di busway bener" ga sanggup duduk lg td. Pantat ampe sakit euy kebanyakan duduk.

Gonna sleep,so sleepy.. Gudnite..

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Monday 18 March 2013 - First Day

This is the second time I experienced what is called first day at work.. and the feel just the same.. no work to do, no friends to talk, but i think I'm getting better than before..

If i want to compare, i can talk more confidence. Not scared like in my previous company. Maybe because i already had an experience. Thanks to my previous company, i can be a better person.

Honestly say, i kinda miss my old job. In my old job, I can handle all the things by myself. Well,maybe because here i dont know what to do since i still a newbie.. I know we all will feel like this in the first day of work.

So let's hope tomorrow will be better than today. But i'm so lucky i have a good people in my team here.. :)

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Sunday, 17 March 2013 - Holiday is Over

Okay.. when you dont know what to do in your rest time it means you need to work again right??

Finally,my holiday is over. Tomorrow will start at a new place means new introduction and new people.. I'm not ready yet, honestly. But the day must come and i think i had enough to entertain myself this week.

And good things,today when i wake up,there's already something that made me smile.. :)

Hope it works for tomorrow as well. And i will try to post tomorrow,remind me if u please.

Good Night. ;P

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Thursday,14 March 2014

Woow my last post is a week ago.. Sorry for not posting.. Been busy in relaxing and enjoy my holiday.. So,lets just list all this week little things happened..

1. Finally my last day had come,but wow it was still a busy day.. bahkan baru sempet pamit"an jam stengah 6 hiks.. too bad,i cant talk a lot with my manager bcoz he was going to go to head office in a hurry. And you know,air mata tak tertahankan jg walaupun ga ampe banjir. Walaupun ga enjoy tp tetep aja ada rasa terharu ninggalin mereka hiks..

2. And then holiday is coming.. hedon lebih tepatnya. Planning to had my hair permed tapi batal gara" salon nya nyebelin. Akhirnya gunting rambut deh.. too bad,setelah digunting malah jadinya gw ga suka (setelah keramas) krn jd harus dicatok terus dan gw emang lbh suka rambut kriting secara asalnya rambut gw berombak. Jd mau kriting di salon deket rumah aja. Tapi ga boleh ama salonnya krn tlalu pndek ntar jdnya jelek hiks..

3. Bought a lot of things.. new glasses,new bag,new shoes,new wallet.. and eat sushi with my brother.. kayanya sebentar lg bangkrut neh..

4. Today,i become a model for my sister.. Ceritanya dia lg kursus make up gt. Dan tadi ceritanya lg make up buat bride gt. Bener" paraahh.. i will share on my other blog ya :)

Well kira" begitu lah liburan yang dijalani. Lets enjoy it before it goes.. :D

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Thursday, 07 Maret 2013

Tomorrow is my last day at my current office.. yeayy!! Bye" all the busy time and hard time..

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Sunday,3 Maret 2013

Woww.. march already..

Sorry for not posting this few days..
Lagi addictes sama drama sampe ga sempet internetan.. plus tdr malem terus hehe..

Today,made a new glasses! Yeay..

Well tomorrow is the start of my last week. I hope everything goes well :)