Just another busy day.. so tired..
Good news,i got my salary full :)
Skip a day work today.. wrll,i think i really need rest. So i can face few days more in my company..
Really cant wait until next week..
Rindu masa" gabut di kantor.. sekarang kayanya sehari aja ga cukup saking banyaknya kerjaan..
Well,at least hari ini gw merasakan klo gw cukup memberikan sesuatu buat kantor ini. Karena mereka smua cukup bergantung ama gw dan banyak yang nahan gw buat resign. I should be proud.. But i think i learned enough here. Waktunya melatih kekuatan mental di tempat lain ;p
my last post is on wednesday...
Well,my phone had a bad connection these days.. so i cant make any post..
These last days are not going really well,ada beberapa permainan emosi.. tp weekend ini syukurlah bs dilepas semuanya.. huaaahhh legaaa.
Dan,besok kmbali menjadi 2 minggu terakhir gw karena udah diputuskan gw terakhir tgl 8 maret. Liburnya jd sedikit dehh :(
Skip a day writing because yesterday i was too sleepy.. hehe
Today happiness are :
.Meeting with joan.. share about life so far. :)
.Drink calais' choco milk tea :)
.got 4 guest at home. My cousins come to sleep because their home are renovated..
But,today and yesterday had a little bit emotional coz of work things.. and today a lot people asking me about my resignation. Kinda sad if the close one asking,they're one of the reason i bear and stay until this long. But i still have to go.. :'(
Decided next month this date will start at new company..
Dan skarang kebingungan menghadapi pertanyaan" dari smua orang yang uda tahu hhehe..
Happy birthday dear someone who was in my heart for few years. I've tried to let you go since 2 years ago,so I won't write on ur facebook wall anymore. But i can't forget ur birthday.. :D
Dooh,galau skali kalimat di atas hehehe..
So,next week is my last two weeks in my company now.. Hope everything fine.. Hari ini akhirnya ke untar,dalam rangka undangan ultah temen po".. I really miss my college,college friends,and college life. So nostalgic being there :'(
Well,let's say.. finally...
Finally it's friday again and finally i got to meet my hrd manager. And the result is fixed. I will only stay until the end of this month..
It's kinda sad actually. Because i've got to know them better.. but,it's my choice and i better not regret it.. :)
Good night...
It's valentine's day..
Well,nothing special happened today..
Jadi,critanya kemarin gw uda ajuin resign dan langsung dtrima oleh manager gw.. then hari ini gw mencari" hrd manager buat ksh ke dia. Tapi ga nemu".. hadeehh..
Well,smoga bsk bs akhirnya ngasih deh. Dan ga dipersulit untuk keluarnya..
Anyway,had a nice chat with my coworkers today :))
Masih lom bisa kasih surat resign. Gemes sendiri mikirin gmn ngomongnya pas kasih..
Had a nice talk and share with my college friend and my ex-boss too. really made my day.. :)
Finally exercise again...
Berencana mau ajuin resignation hari ini,tapi bos malah cuti sakit.. wew,apa artinya ini??
Ketemu 2 tenant yang bikin kuping n kpala sakit..
Kebanjiran proposal design. Antre ya buat direview..
Omoo.. i missed a day again..
Well,it's chinese new year!! Gong xi gong xi!!
These 2 days are family time.. well,it's been a long time not having quality time..
Yesterday,go to mangga dua. Bought a shirt and training shorts. Hihi.. then,tonight i go to mkg then warung pasta again with my cousins..
Happy things,meet with my highschool friend and his brother who is my college friends. So warming to see them care with each other,so the bromance does exist.. hehe..
Well,goodnite everyone. Hope this year brings u prosperity and health.. ;)
Had a long day..
Just like the other day,busy busy busy.. haven't sent my resignation yet but already decide that i will quit at the end of this month. Hope they will allow me..
Happy things today are:
1. Meeting with my old best friend.. it's been a long time not see her. Maybe about 4 years or more.. gyaa..
2. Shopping day with sista vmon..
3. Complete some of my task today by myself. Happy.. :)
Today,not going to work but go for interview instead.. luckily ga nyasar hehehe.. thanks joan for the guide. :)
I got accepted in new company yeayy.. next,how to give resignation letter? Confuse.. but i 100% willing to quit..
Another hectic day.. dari pagi cape amat rasanya bolak balik.. plus bonus migrain pula. Hope sleep can make it better..
Pulang mlm lagi.. Karena lembur ampe jam 7 dan hujan.. Batal OR lagi hikss.. Had a nice sharing bareng org engineering,gosip" dikit ttg kerjaan. Hehehehe..
Well,i'm gonna have a interview tomorrow. Wish me luck :)
Let's just point my blessings from God today..
1. Bersolo karir di tim fit out sendiri slama stengah hari. Agak stress tp untungnya ga ada trouble.
2. Beberapa urusan kerjaan yg gantung dr kmaren akhirnya solved.. tapi nambah lg sih kerjaan buat besok.
3. Had a good time with egi..
4. Ketemu lg tenant aneh,oh well jadi orang baek deh skali" bantuin dia..
5. Got a called from new company for interview.. let's hope for the best ;)
Good night :)
Another busy also lazy day.. working like no working..
Then,i've made a decision. Had applied to another company,let's hope for the best ;)
Well,tomorrow gonna be busy bcoz my coworker is absent. Sometimes k really must face it by myself :)
Now 00:17 in the dawn and i can't fall a sleep yet. Bahkan masih seger.. Well,sunday night syndrome maybe. Hehehe...
Today really had a nice day. After a long time,finally met super family full team and karaoke-ing together.. Rasanya 2 jam ini kuranggg!!!
Well,hope next week gonna be better..
Woahh.. ga brasa hari sabtunyaa..
Hari ini rekor bangun jam stengah 1 tanpa kbangun sbelumnya.. what's wrong with me ya? Kaya abis ga tdr brp hari aja hahaha..
Then,decide to cut my hair sambil di styling buat kondangan.. finally,my coworkers got married.. dan baru kali ini ngerasain kondangan ala manado,ternyata joan bener ada poco"nya hehehe..
Dan ga brasa uda malem aja,besok uda minggu and i will hangout with super family full team. Yeayy!! :)
Hello februari... bulan penuh cinta kalo kata orang"..
Today quite hectic for me. Dan ada permainan emosi juga. Syukurlah semua berjalan dengan baik dan gw slalu end the day happily :)
Too much eating today,but i live those foods :p